================================================================ Title : The Harbour Bar 2.0 Filename : Harbbar2.map Author : Ace Luke Email Address : aceluke@hotmail.com MY shite URL : http://fly.to/duke3dheaven Misc. Author Info : Hey It's AUGUST '99 and I'm still playing Duke I guess I'm hooked for life Description : genuinly action packed beach type level including a working speed boat, new exploding building skill levels and many many exciting secrets, I know most people write briefs like this and I've stopped down loading unrated maps which claim to be "Awsome" and "Excelent". After seeing 1000's of maps consisting of a fewstrippers, 2D enimies and 10 foot toilets I feel I do better. Additional Credits to : talky toaster, dopefish and everyone who pointed out the awful bug in version 1.0 (the game   crashed a lot. Also 3drealms for releasing lame duke (duke3d 1993 beta, get it from my site) ================================================================ * Play Information * WHATS NEW IN VER 2 In this release much has been added. there are some new effects, lots of new art (some from lame-duke some of my own) and new music, every user map should have some, new sound and 2 new enemys: (1) cyber-spinner: this half robot, half animal will spin up a momentum, charging it's weapon and releasing it in a burst of energy. (2) NS Drone: The old drones killed themselves to attack you, these don't. the ones included here shoot freeze rays at you (very dangerous). New areas, some new secret areas are included. New effects, there are many more explosions and interactive parts (as if there wern't enougth!) Episode and Level # : currently the user map Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Kick ass! (has special features just for this) Difficulty Settings : Yes!!! New Music : Yes, i'm not sure where it came from. i just scraped it out of my tempory internet folder New ART : Yes New .cons : Yes (1.4 / 1.5 only) whith this u get 2 new enemys New Sounds : yes (1.4 / 1.5 only) 1.4 : yes, it is playable in 1.3 but u can't have the new cons, new enemys or new sound. Just get the upgrade, last i heard they were letting it go for £4.50 from 3drealms direct. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Here's a hint to all those people out there ripping bits out of original levels !!!STOP!!! please they are really bad! Editor(s) used : Build, paintshop-pro, editart, wavstudio. Known Bugs : I can't see any but if there are some please let me know Build Time : first release 2 weeks second release 1 week this one 2 weeks. Other * Where to get this MAP file * www sites: only one, the one you got it from feel free to let it multipy like a rather nasty virus please. BBS numbers: Other: You could always ask me personaly for one * Copyright / Permissions * Neither this map or its accompanying text file are products of 3D Realms, GT Interactive or any affilliates. 3D Realms is in no way respon- sible for these, nor will they lend support of any kind. Authors MAY use harbbar2.MAP as a base to build additional levels. On the condition that all levels must mailed to me (please :) ) as I want to see what can be done to it. And that I get credit given You MAY distribute harbbar2.MAP, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute harbbar2.MAP in any electronic format (BBS,Diskette,CD,etc.) as long as you include this TXT intact. You MAY include harbbar2.MAP in any other compilation. You may alter the level in any way including the minor change of the MAP number. * My level pholosophy * If you think you can you can. I try to put as much interaction into my levels as possible ie vending machines work and exploding boxes do explode. And all hidden secrets are my own, this meens no more doomed space marines or dead Indeana Jones'. (actually that sound can play if you have 1.3) Enjoy!